
I use the FUNDAMENTALS preschool curriculum. I have two years worth of lessons so if your child attends for two years they will have all new lessons to learn each year.
It features a theme-based, activity-rich, hands-on curriculum. Every day is full of arts & crafts, rhythms & movement, snack time, stories, preschool skills, fun themes and much more! Your child will love our fun schedule - there’s so much packed in! 

During each class we have:
Circle Time 
(15 min)
School Time
(10 min)
Letter of the Week (5 min)
Rhythms & Movement 
(10 min)
Arts & Crafts (20 min)
Pretend Play (20 min)
Snack Time (10 min)
Story Time 

(10 min)
Activity Time (15 min)
Life Skills (15 min)
Discovery Centers (15 min)
Go Home (5 min)

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